123 OutLook Express Backup
- 类型:系统工具
- 大小:1M
- 平台:WinAll
- 语言:简体中文
- 版本:2.05
- 时间:2022-04-15 15:19

123 OutLook Express Backup是一款简单易用的Outlook Express同步和备份工具,可以将邮件信息、地址簿、邮件规则、被列入黑名单的发送者、账号信息、签名等保存到一个备份文件中,并可以将保存的数据重新导入到Outlook Express中。该软件用户界面简单,对初学者十分有用。
123 OutLook Express Backup is an easy-to-use synchronization and backup tool for the popular Outlook Express mail client.The program saves e-mail messages, address book, message rules, blocked senders, accounts and signatures into a single backup file and restores the saved data back to Outlook Express. 123 OutLook Express Backup has a simplified user interface, very useful for beginners.
Features List
Allows you to backup, restore:
- Email and news accounts and messages(Password-protected!);
- Messages and folders structure;
- Windows address book;
- Message rules;
- Blocked senders list;
- Signatures.
Easy-to-use wizard-style interface;
Supports shared resource path. Example:;
Automatic backup the Outlook Express data in background;(AutoRun-Script)
Protect backup files with passwords;
Add Comment for Backup archives;
Support for Outlook Express 5.0, 5.01, 5.5, and 6.0
An Easy-used backup tool for OutLook Express. 123 OutLook Express Backup is an easy-to-use synchronization and backup tool for Outlook Express. It saves email messages, address book, message rules, blocked senders, accounts and signatures into a single backup file and restores the data back.