DVDFab Passkey Lite(DVD解密软件)
- 类型:系统工具
- 大小:10.2M
- 平台:WinAll
- 语言:简体中文
- 版本:V9.2.1.5
- 时间:2022-04-15 16:26

DVDFab Passkey是一个基于Windows的驱动程序用于解密DVD和蓝光光盘。
对于DVD,它解除以下DVD保护:CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2等保护,对于Blu-ray它删除所有已知的AACS和BD +复制保护,区段代码,BD - Live以及UOPs它解除DVD和蓝光光盘的各种限制,相当于AnyDVD.但它是完全免费的。
DVDFab DVD CopyDVDFab DVD RipperDVDFab Blu-ray CopyDVDFab Blu-ray RipperDVDFab Blu-ray to DVD ConverterPowerDVD 7/8/9/10TotalMedia Theatre 3WinDVD 8/9/2010Roxio 2010 with I/O Mode set to ‘Advanced’ under the General tabImgBurn (Read Mode)CloneDVD1 Click DVD Copy Pro - Advanced I/O Mode OnlyNero RecodeAVS CopyDVD neXt COPY V3 and 4 (without the machinist.dll)DVD Shrink - Pathplayer Off with some contentDVDSubEdit (quick check for forced subs)LC (play VOB with File->Open)Roxio Creator 9 in several modes/modulesDVDRanger without machinist.dllXBMC Dharma Beta 2Roxio CineplayerBD 5