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时间:2022-03-16 09:59

语法: drop table ... purge; 例子:drop table test purge; purge是直接删除表,不保留到回收站,10G开始默认drop表式改名移动到回收站; 闪回(flashback)语句: 1、能在一个语句中把表恢复到指定的时间点; 2、恢复表数据连同索引与约束信息; 3、能返回表及其内容到指定时间点或系统变更号(SCN); 4、修复表的误操作 闪回简单示例: SQL> drop table emp2;   Table dropped   SQL> select original_name,operation,droptime from recyclebin;   ORIGINAL_NAME                    OPERATION DROPTIME -------------------------------- --------- ------------------- EMP2                             DROP      2012-11-16:10:49:13   SQL> flashback table emp2 to before drop;   Done   SQL> select count(*) from emp2;     COUNT(*) ----------        107   --恢复误删表数据示例: SQL>  select sysdate 时间, timestamp_to_scn(sysdate) SCN from dual;   时间               SCN ----------- ---------- 2012/11/16     1230043   SQL> delete from emp2;   107 rows deleted   SQL> commit;   Commit complete   SQL> select count(*) from emp2;     COUNT(*) ----------          0   SQL> flashback table emp2 to scn 1230043;   flashback table emp2 to scn 1230043   ORA-08189: cannot flashback the table because row movement is not enabled   SQL> alter table emp2 enable row movement;   Table altered   SQL> flashback table emp2 to scn 1230043;   Done   SQL> select count(*) from emp2;     COUNT(*) ----------        107  


