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SQL for beginner

时间:2022-03-14 00:41

  创建表和数据插入 create table, insert into ... values() 简单select查询 select 合计与标量 count, avg, max, min, sum ucase, lcase, substring, len, round  

select * from ItemMasters -- Aggregate -- COUNT() -> returns the Total no of records from table , AVG() returns the Average Value from Colum,MAX() Returns MaX Value from Column -- ,MIN() returns Min Value from Column,SUM()  sum of total from Column Select Count(*)  TotalRows,AVG(Price) AVGPrice ,MAX(Price) MAXPrice,MIN(Price) MinPrice,Sum(price) PriceTotal  FROM ItemMasters   -- Scalar  -- UCASE() -> Convert to  Upper Case  ,LCASE() -> Convert to Lower Case, -- SUBSTRING() ->Display selected char from column ->SUBSTRING(ColumnName,StartIndex,LenthofChartoDisplay) --,LEN() -> lenth of column date, -- ROUND()  -> Which will round the value SELECT  UPPER(Item_NAME) Uppers,LOWER(Item_NAME) Lowers, SUBSTRING(Item_NAME,2,3) MidValue,LEN(Item_NAME) Lenths    ,SUBSTRING(Item_NAME,2,LEN(Item_NAME)) MidValuewithLenFunction,     ROUND(Price,0) as Rounded FROM ItemMasters
  日期函数 其它 select函数 top, order by, distinct,  Where子句 where in, where between,  Group by 子句  having 子查询 where 连接查询 join Inner Join,Left Outer Join,Right Outer Join and Full outer Join union合并查询 公用表表达式(with) 视图 pivot行转列 存储过程 函数function


