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sqlserver 脚本方式导出数据到excel

时间:2022-03-14 00:52

  1 use EntDataCenter
  2 go
  4 GO
  6 GO
  7 -- =============================================
  8 -- Author:        <Author,,Name>
  9 -- Create date: <Create Date,,>
 10 -- Description:    <Description,,>
 11 -- =============================================
 12 --exec dbo.ent_all_DataToExcel
 13 create PROCEDURE  ent_all_DataToExcel
 15 AS
 17     -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
 18     -- interfering with SELECT statements.
 19     SET NOCOUNT off;
 20     DECLARE @str2name varchar(8000);--二级国代分类名称
 21     DECLARE @str2code varchar(8000);--二级国代分类代码
 22     DECLARE @str1name varchar(8000);--一级国代分类名称
 23     DECLARE @str varchar(8000);
 24     DECLARE @str1 varchar(8000);
 25     DECLARE @server varchar(100);--服务器
 26     DECLARE @uname varchar(100);--用户名
 27     DECLARE @pwd varchar(100);--密码
 29     DECLARE @IsExist bit;
 30     select @str2name=‘‘;
 31     select @str2code=‘‘;
 32     select @str1name=‘‘;
 33     select @str=‘‘;
 34     select @str1=‘‘;
 35     set @server=‘‘;
 36     set @uname=‘dev_db‘;
 37     set @pwd=‘dev_db‘;
 38     set @IsExist=0;
 40     ---判断文件夹是否存在,若不存在则创建文件夹----
 41     begin
 42         CREATE TABLE #tmp ([File Exists] BIT, [File is a Directory] BIT, [Parent Directory Exists] BIT)
 43         INSERT INTO #tmp ([File Exists], [File is a Directory], [Parent Directory Exists])
 44         EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist ‘c:\project‘;
 45         SELECT @IsExist=[File is a Directory] FROM #tmp;
 46         if(@IsExist=0)
 47         begin
 48           ExEc xp_cmdshell ‘mkdir c:\project‘;
 49         end
 50         drop table #tmp
 51     end
 53     DECLARE contact_cursor CURSOR FOR (SELECT   a.国代分类名称 as 二级国代分类名称,a.国代分类代码 as 二级国代分类代码,b.国代分类名称 as 一级国代分类名称
 54                                         FROM [EntDataCenter].[dbo].[doc_class_nation_code]  a
 55                                         inner join   [EntDataCenter].[dbo].[doc_class_nation_code]   b
 56                                         on a.PCode=b.国代分类代码  where a.Level=1)
 57     OPEN contact_cursor
 58             FETCH NEXT FROM contact_cursor
 59             INTO @str2name,@str2code,@str1name
 60             WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
 61             BEGIN        
 62                          begin
 63                         set @str=‘select   a.[企业名称],a.[所在省份],a.[所在城市],‘ ;
 64                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2005  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2005资产],‘;
 65                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2006  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2006资产],‘;
 66                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2007  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2007资产],‘;
 67                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2008  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2008资产],‘;
 68                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2009  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2009资产],‘;
 69                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2010  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2010资产],‘;
 70                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2011  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2011资产],‘;
 71                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2012  then b.[total_assets] else 0 end) as [2012资产],‘;
 72                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2005  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2005流动资产],‘;
 73                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2006  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2006流动资产],‘;
 74                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2007  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2007流动资产],‘;
 75                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2008  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2008流动资产],‘;
 76                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2009  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2009流动资产],‘;
 77                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2010  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2010流动资产],‘;
 78                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2011  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2011流动资产],‘;
 79                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2012  then b.total_current_assets else 0 end) as [2012流动资产],‘;
 80                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2005  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2005负债],‘;
 81                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2006  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2006负债],‘;
 82                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2007  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2007负债],‘;
 83                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2008  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2008负债],‘;
 84                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2009  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2009负债],‘;
 85                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2010  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2010负债],‘;
 86                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2011  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2011负债],‘;
 87                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2012  then b.total_liabilities else 0 end) as [2012负债],‘;
 88                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2005  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2005收入],‘;
 89                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2006  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2006收入],‘;
 90                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2007  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2007收入],‘;
 91                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2008  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2008收入],‘;
 92                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2009  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2009收入],‘;
 93                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2010  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2010收入],‘;
 94                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2011  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2011收入],‘;
 95                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2012  then b.operating_income else 0 end) as [2012收入],‘;
 96                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2005  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2005成本],‘;
 97                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2006  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2006成本],‘;
 98                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2007  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2007成本],‘;
 99                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2008  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2008成本],‘;
100                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2009  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2009成本],‘;
101                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2010  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2010成本],‘;
102                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2011  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2011成本],‘;
103                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2012  then b.operating_costs else 0 end) as [2012成本],‘;
104                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2005  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2005利润总额],‘;
105                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2006  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2006利润总额],‘;
106                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2007  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2007利润总额],‘;
107                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2008  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2008利润总额],‘;
108                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2009  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2009利润总额],‘;
109                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2010  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2010利润总额],‘;
110                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2011  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2011利润总额],‘;
111                         set @str=@str+‘(case b.year when 2012  then b.total_profit else 0 end) as [2012利润总额]‘;
112                         set @str=@str+‘from [dbo].[ent_all] a ‘;
113                         set @str=@str+‘left join [dbo].[Ent_All_Finance] b on a.ent_id = b.ent_id  where a.国代分类代码 like ‘‘‘+@str2code+‘%‘‘‘;
115                         --set  @str=‘select * from [EntDataCenter].[dbo].[doc_class_nation_code] where Level=1‘;
116                         set @str1=‘bcp "‘+@str+‘" queryout C:\project\‘+@str1name+‘-‘+@str2name+‘.xls -c -S‘+@server+‘ -U‘+@uname+‘ -P‘+@pwd+‘‘;
117                         end 
118                         --print @str1;
119                         EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @str1
122               FETCH NEXT FROM contact_cursor
123               INTO @str2name,@str2code,@str1name
124             END
125             CLOSE contact_cursor
126     DEALLOCATE contact_cursor
128 END
129 GO



