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Oracle SYS_CONTEXT Function

时间:2022-03-14 01:46

Actions As SYS
Note: USERENV is an Oracle provided namespace that describes the current session.
Syntax  sys_context(‘<namespace>‘, ‘<parameter>‘, <length>);
Attribute Return Value
ACTION Identifies the position in the module (application name) and is set through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package or OCI.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘ACTION‘)  ;

exec dbms_application_info.set_action(‘ING‘);

sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘ACTION‘)  ;
AUDITED_CURSORID Returns the cursor ID of the SQL that triggered the audit. This parameter is not valid in a fine-grained auditing environment. If you specify it in such an environment, Oracle Database always returns NULL.
AUTHENTICATED_IDENTITY Returns the identity used in authentication. In the list that follows, the type of user is followed by the value returned:
  • Kerberos-authenticated enterprise user: kerberos principal name
  • Kerberos-authenticated external user : kerberos principal name; same as the schema name
  • SSL-authenticated enterprise user: the DN in the user‘s PKI certificate
  • SSL-authenticated external user: the DN in the user‘s PKI certificate
  • Password-authenticated enterprise user: nickname; same as the login name
  • Password-authenticated database user: the database username; same as the schema name
  • OS-authenticated external user: the external operating system user name
  • Radius/DCE-authenticated external user: the schema name
  • Proxy with DN : Oracle Internet Directory DN of the client
  • Proxy with certificate: certificate DN of the client
  • Proxy with username: database user name if client is a local database user; nickname if client is an enterprise user
  • SYSDBA/SYSOPER using Password File: login name
  • SYSDBA/SYSOPER using OS authentication: operating system user name
AUTHENTICATION_DATA Data being used to authenticate the login user. For X.503 certificate authenticated sessions, this field returns the context of the certificate in HEX2 format.

Note: You can change the return value of the   AUTHENTICATION_DATA attribute using the length parameter of the syntax. Values of up to 4000 are accepted. This is the only attribute of USERENV for which Oracle implements such a change.
AUTHENTICATION_METHOD Returns the method of authentication. In the list that follows, the type of user is followed by the method returned.
  • Password-authenticated enterprise user, local database user, or SYSDBA/SYSOPER using Password File; proxy with username using password: PASSWORD
  • Kerberos-authenticated enterprise or external user: KERBEROS
  • SSL-authenticated enterprise or external user: SSL
  • Radius-authenticated external user: RADIUS
  • OS-authenticated external user or SYSDBA/SYSOPER: OS
  • DCE-authenticated external user: DCE
  • Proxy with certificate, DN, or username without using password: NONE
BG_JOB_ID Job ID of the current session if it was established by an Oracle background process. Null if the session was not established by a background process.
CLIENT_IDENTIFIER Returns an identifier that is set by the application through the DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER procedure, the OCI attribute OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, or the Java class Oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.setClientIdentifier. This attribute is used by various database components to identify lightweight application users who authenticate as the same user.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CLIENT_IDENTIFIER‘)  ;

exec dbms_session.set_identifier(USER || ‘ ‘ || );

sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CLIENT_IDENTIFIER‘)  ;
CLIENT_INFO Returns user session information that can be stored by an application using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CLIENT_INFO‘)  ;

exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info(‘TEST‘);

sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CLIENT_INFO‘)  ;
CURRENT_BIND The bind variables for fine-grained auditing
CURRENT_EDITION_ID The numeric identifier of the current edition
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CURRENT_EDITION_ID‘)  ;
CURRENT_EDITION_NAME The name of the current edition
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CURRENT_EDITION_NAME‘)  ;
CURRENT_SCHEMA Name of the default schema being used in the current schema. This value can be changed during the session with an SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA statement.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CURRENT_SCHEMA‘)  ;
CURRENT_SCHEMAID Identifier of the default schema being used in the current session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘CURRENT_SCHEMAID‘)  ;

 name = USER;
CURRENT_SQL Returns the first 4K bytes of the current SQL that triggered the fine-grained auditing event.
CURRENT_SQLn CURRENT_SQLn attributes return subsequent 4K-byte increments, where n can be an integer from 1 to 7, inclusive. CURRENT_SQL1 returns bytes 4K to 8K; CURRENT_SQL2 returns bytes 8K to 12K, and so forth. You can specify these attributes only inside the event handler for the fine-grained auditing feature.
CURRENT_SQL_LENGTH The length of the current SQL statement that triggers fine-grained audit or row-level security (RLS) policy functions or event handlers. Valid only inside the function or event handler.
DB_DOMAIN Domain of the database as specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘DB_DOMAIN‘)  ;
DB_NAME Name of the database as specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘DB_NAME‘)  ;

 name, value
 name  ‘db%name‘;
DB_UNIQUE NAME Name of the database as specified in the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘DB_UNIQUE_NAME‘)  ;

 name, value
 name  ‘db%name‘;
ENTRYID The available auditing entry identifier. You cannot use this option in distributed SQL statements. To use this keyword in USERENV, the initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL must be set to true.
ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Returns the user‘s enterprise-wide identity:
  • For enterprise users: the Oracle Internet Directory DN.
  • For external users: the external identity (Kerberos principal name, Radius and DCE schema names, OS user name, Certificate DN).
  • For local users and SYSDBA/SYSOPER logins: NULL.

The value of the attribute differs by proxy method:

  • For a proxy with DN: the Oracle Internet Directory DN of the client
  • For a proxy with certificate: the certificate DN of the client for external users; the Oracle Internet Directory DN for global users
  • For a proxy with username: the Oracle Internet Directory DN if the client is an enterprise users; NULL if the client is a local database user.
FG_JOB_ID Job ID of the current session if it was established by a client foreground process. Null if the session was not established by a foreground process.
GLOBAL_CONTEXT_MEMORY The number used in the System Global Area by the globally accessed context.
GLOBAL_UID Returns the global user ID from Oracle Internet Directory for Enterprise User Security (EUS) logins; returns null for all other logins.
HOST Name of the host machine from which the client has connected.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘HOST‘)  ;
IDENTIFICATION_TYPE Returns the way the user‘s schema was created in the database. Specifically, it reflects the IDENTIFIED clause in the CREATE/ALTER USER syntax. In the list that follows, the syntax used during schema creation is followed by the identification type returned:
INSTANCE The instance identification number of the current instance.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘INSTANCE‘)  ;
INSTANCE_NAME The name of the instance.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘INSTANCE_NAME‘)  ;
IP_ADDRESS IP address of the machine from which the client is connected.
ISDBA TRUE if the session is SYS
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘ISDBA‘)  ;
LANG The ISO abbreviation for the language name, a shorter form than the existing ‘LANGUAGE‘ parameter.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘LANG‘)  ;
LANGUAGE The language and territory currently used by your session, along with the database character set, in the form:

 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘LANGUAGE‘)  ;
MODULE The application name (module) set through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package or OCI.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘MODULE‘)  ;
NETWORK_PROTOCOL Network protocol being used for communication, as specified in the ‘PROTOCOL=protocol‘ portion of the connect string.
NLS_CALENDAR The current calendar of the current session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘NLS_CALENDAR‘)  ;
NLS_CURRENCY The currency of the current session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘NLS_CURRENCY‘)  ;
The date format for the session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘‘)  ;
NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE The language used for expressing dates.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE‘)  ;
NLS_SORT BINARY or the linguistic sort basis.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘NLS_SORT‘)  ;
NLS_TERRITORY The territory of the current session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘NLS_TERRITORY‘)  ;
OS_USER Operating system username of the client process that initiated the database session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘OS_USER‘)  ;
POLICY_INVOKER The invoker of row-level security (RLS) policy functions.
PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Returns the Oracle Internet Directory DN when the proxy user is an enterprise user.
PROXY_GLOBAL_UID Returns the global user ID from Oracle Internet Directory for Enterprise User Security (EUS) proxy users; returns NULL for all other proxy users.
PROXY_USER Name of the database user who opened the current session on behalf of SESSION_USER.
PROXY_USERID Identifier of the database user who opened the current session on behalf of SESSION_USER.
SERVER_HOST The host name of the machine on which the instance is running.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘SERVER_HOST‘)  ;
SERVICE_NAME The name of the service to which a given session is connected.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘SERVICE_NAME‘)  ;
SESSION_USER Database user name by which the current user is authenticated. This value remains the same throughout the duration of the session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘SESSION_USER‘)  ;
SESSION_USERID Identifier of the database user name by which the current user is authenticated.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘SESSION_USERID‘)  ;
SESSIONID The auditing session identifier. You cannot use this option in distributed SQL statements. This is the equivalent to the AUDSID column in gv$session.
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘SESSIONID‘)  ;
SID The session number (different from the session ID).
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘SID‘)  ;
STATEMENTID The auditing statement identifier. STATEMENTID represents the number of SQL statements audited in a given session.
TERMINAL The operating system identifier for the client of the current session. In distributed SQL statements, this option returns the identifier for your local session. In a distributed environment, this is supported only for remote  statements, not for remote , , or DELETE operations. (The return length of this parameter may vary by operating system.)
 sys_context(‘USERENV‘, ‘TERMINAL‘)  ;
Context Demo

User Created Contexts
 OR  CONTEXT App_Ctx using My_pkg

 OR   my_pkg 

 set_session_id(p_session_id );
 set_ctx(p_name , p_value );
 close_session(p_session_id );


 OR    my_pkg 

g_session_id ;

 set_session_id(p_session_id ) 

  g_session_id := p_session_id;
end set_session_id;
 set_ctx(p_name , p_value ) 

 close_session(p_session_id ) 


col var1 format a10
col var2 format a10

exec my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);
exec my_pkg.set_ctx(‘Var1‘, ‘Val1‘);
exec my_pkg.set_ctx(‘Var2‘, ‘Val2‘);

 sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

-- Now we‘ll log out/log in
-- At first, the context is empty-but we rejoin the session & there it is

connect uwclass/uwclass

 sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

exec my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);

 sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

-- Now we‘ll show that this context is tied to our user (we specified
-- USER above, if we used null anyone can join this session).

grant execute on my_pkg to scott;

conn scott/tiger

exec uwclass.my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);

 sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

-- Return to the set context again and clear it

conn uwclass/uwclass

exec my_pkg.set_session_id(1234);

 sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2

exec my_pkg.close_session(1234);

 sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var1‘) var1,
sys_context(‘app_ctx‘, ‘var2‘) var2
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