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时间:2022-03-14 02:24

RDA是Remote Diagnostic Agent 的简称,是Oracle用来收集、分析数据库的工具,运行该工具不会改变系统的任何参数,RDA收集的相关数据非常全面,可以用于oracle巡检及日常监控分析。工具支持AIX,Linux,Solaris,HP-UX,Windows等操作系统。这里简要记录使用过程。RDA工具51cto下载地址:

1. 上传到Linux系统上解压使用


# chown -R oracle:oinstall /home/oracle/rda  
# su - oracle    
$ cd rda

(1) 第一次初始化工作

$ ./rda.sh -S

(2) 开始收集信息

$ ./rda.sh -v

        Collecting diagnostic data ...  
RDA Data Collection Started 12-Nov-2014 10:14:50 PM    
Processing Initialization module ...    
Enter the password for ‘SYSTEM‘:   需要输入数据库system密码    
Please re-enter it to confirm:    
Processing CFG module ...    
Processing Sampling module ...    
Processing OS module ...    
Processing PROF module ...    
Processing PERF module ...    
Processing NET module ...    
Processing networking information (network files, sql*net files)...    
Listener checks may take a few minutes. please be patient...    
  Processing listener status, services and log for listener LISTENER    
Processing Oracle installation module ...    
Processing RDBMS module ...    
Processing LOG module ...    
Processing Web Server module ...    
Processing Web Server (9iAS 1.x) module ...    
Processing HTTP Server ...    
Processing J2EE/OC4J module ...    
Processing RDSP module ...    
Processing End module ...    
RDA Data Collection Ended 12-Nov-2014 10:16:15 PM    
        Generating the reports ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vspparameters.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_netperf.txt ...    
                - RDA_PERF_top_sql.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_tracing.txt ...    
                - RDA_IAS_apache_over.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_sqlnet_tnsnames_ora.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_cpu_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_IAS_web_env.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_jvm_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_text.txt ...    
                - RDA_PROF_profiles.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_datafile.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vfeatureinfo.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_nls_parms.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_aq_data.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_kernel_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vsystem_event.txt ...    
                - RDA_END_system.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vcompatibility.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_security.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_spatial.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_orainst_loc.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_oracle_home.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_system_error_log.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_disk_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_sysdef.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_undo_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_PROF_dot_bashrc.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_partition_data.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_libc.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vHWM_Statistic.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_installActions20141104_085020PM_log.dat ...    
                - RDA_DBA_database_properties.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_voption.txt ...    
                - RDA_PERF_overview.txt ...    
                - RDA_CFG_database.txt ...    
                - RDA_PROF_etc_profile.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_oraInstall20141104_085020PM_out.dat ...    
                - RDA_OS_nls_env.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_sqlnet_sqlnet_ora.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_oraInstall20141104_085748PM_out.dat ...    
                - RDA_OS_memory_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_netenv.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vcontrolfile.txt ...    
                - RDA_PROF_dot_bash_profile.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_mts.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_ifconfig.txt ...    
                - RDA_END_report.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_make_report.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vlicense.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_all_errors.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_misc_linux_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_orainventory_files.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_ses_procs.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_tcpip_settings.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_sqlnet_listener_ora.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_installActions20141104_085748PM_log.dat ...    
                - RDA_DBA_sga_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_PROF_ulimit.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_packages.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_init_ora.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_etc_conf.txt ...    
                - RDA_LOG_log_trace.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_tablespace.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_udp_settings.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_linux_release.txt ...    
                - RDA_J2EE_versions.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vresource_limit.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_log_info.txt ...    
                - RDA_IAS_web_processes.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_orainventory_logdir.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_opatch_report.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_etc_files.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_inventory_xml.txt ...    
                - RDA_OS_java_version.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_dba_registry.txt ...    
                - RDA_INST_oratab.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vsession_wait.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vparameters.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_jobs.txt ...    
                - RDA_PROF_env.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_invalids.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_security_files.txt ...    
                - RDA_NET_lstatus.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_versions.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_vfeatureusage.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_replication.txt ...    
                - RDA_DBA_latch_info.txt ...    
                - Report index ...    
        Packaging the reports ...

You can review the reports by transferring the contents of the output  
directory to a location where you have web-browser access. Then, point your    
browser at this file to display the reports:    

Based on your server configuration, some possible alternative approaches are:  
- If your client computer with a browser has access to a web shared    
   directory, copy the output directory to the web shared directory and visit    
   this URL:    
- If your client computer with a browser has FTP access to the server    
   computer with the output directory, visit this URL:    

If this file was generated to assist in resolving a Service Request, please  
send output/RDA.RDA_node1.zip to Oracle Support by uploading the file via    
Metalink. If ftp‘ing the file, please be sure to ftp in BINARY format.

        Updating the setup file ...  

2. 将output目录中的.zip文件拷贝下来解压查看  

(1) Overview信息

(2) 操作系统信息,下面可以查看CPU,内存,磁盘等各类信息

(3) 数据库的信息等


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