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时间:2022-03-14 03:06




Thomas Rueckstiess edited this page on 9 Oct · 

mplotqueries is a tool to visualize operations in MongoDB logfiles. It has several different plot types and can group information in various ways.



mplotqueries [-h] [--version] logfile [logfile ...]               [--group GROUP]               [--logscale]               [--type {nscanned/n,rsstate,connchurn,histogram,range,scatter,event} ]               [--overlay [ {add,list,reset} ]]               [additional plot type parameters]

mplotqueries can also be used with shell pipe syntax, for example:


mlogfilter logfile [parameters] | mplotqueries --type histogram

General Parameters(全局参数)

-h, --help 

shows the help text and exits.



shows the version number and exits.


Logarithmic Scale (对数模式)

 This option enables the logarithmic scale for plots where this makes sense. This is very useful if the plot contains outliers that squash all other data points to the bottom of the graph (see below comparison on the same data between log scale disabled and enabled). It can also be enabled with the l (lowercase L) shortcut once a plot is rendered. Switching scale on an already rendered plot may take a few seconds before the new scale is shown.


它可以在渲染图表时用l (小l)来启用。在已经渲染好的图表中切换显示模式,需要花比较长的时间才能显示出来。


Available Groupings (有效分组)

No groupings are supported by this type of plot.


Additional Parameters (附加参数)

No additional parameters are supported by this type of plot.


Overlays (组合)

The overlay mechanism allows you to overlay several plot types in one graphic. This is useful to see correlations, match information from different plot types and create graphs that show events from different angles.


Each of the plot types can in theory be used as an overlay, however some of them make more sense then others.


Overlays are created just as normal plots, except they are stored on disk and do not render immediately. The first call to mplotqueries that does not add another overlay then will load all existing overlays added previously and render them on top of each other, matching the time axis.


Overlays are stored globally and are persistent, independent of your current working directory. Therefore, if you no longer need to store added overlays, make sure that you remove them again or they will be added to your next call of mplotqueries.


Plot types that are often used for overlays are: event, range, rsstate, and scatter.


Creating Overlays (创建组合图)

--overlay [add] 

To create an overlay, run mplotqueries as you would normally, with all the command line arguments. In addition, specify the --overlay add argument. As add is the default for overlays, it can be omitted.

创建一个组合图,除正常使用 mplotqueries 命令和所有参数外,需要特别指定 --overlay add 参数。add 是组合的默认参数,可以省略。 

Example (示例)
mplotqueries mongod.log --type scatter --overlay    Created overlay: 18124963

This will add an overlay plot. The plot is not shown but saved on disk instead, and rendered with the next call without --overlay.

此命令会添加一个组合图。这个图不会被显示出来而是被存储在磁盘上,并且在下次不带 --overlay 参数时被渲染。

List Existing Overlays (已存在的组合列表)

--overlay list 

To see if overlays are currently existing, you can use this command. A list of existing overlay identifiers will be returned. Currently, the indentifiers are not all that useful by themselves, but the command will show you how many different overlays exist.


Remove Overlays (删除组合)

--overlay reset 

To remove all overlays, you can use this command. It will delete all existing overlays, and the next (or current, if a log file is specified as well) call to mplotqueries will not show additional overlays anymore.

使用这个命令删除所有的组合。它会删除所有已经存在的组合,然后(或现在,如果日志文件已经被指定好了)调用mplotqueries 命令就不会显示添加过的组合了。


