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时间:2022-03-14 03:09

作者: gw



--(select sno ,avg(grade) as avg_grade from sc group by sno) as st2

--select student.sno from student left outer join sc on(student.sno=sc.cno);

--select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,sc.cno,sc.grade from student left outer join sc on(student.sno=sc.sno);

--select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,sc.cno,sc.grade from student , sc where student.sno=sc.sno;

--select student.sno ,sname,cno,grade from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=‘2‘ and sc.grade>80

--select student.sno, sname ,course.cname, sc.grade from sc,student,course where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno

--select sno,sname,sdept from student where sdept in( select sdept from student where sname=‘何大勇‘);

--查询每个学生大于它的平均成绩的的课程的课程名 1
--select distinct sno ,cno from sc x where grade >= (select avg(grade) from sc y where y.sno=x.sno )

-- 用查询的结果作为一个新的集合
--查询每个学生大于它的平均成绩的的课程的课程名 2
--select st1.sno,st1.cno from
-- sc st1,(select sno ,avg(grade) as avg_grade from sc group by sno) as st2
-- where st1.sno=st2.sno and st1.grade>=st2.avg_grade;


--select sno,avg(grade) as avg_grade from sc x group by sno;

--select sno,avg(grade) as avg_grade from sc x group by sno having avg(grade)>80;

--select distinct sno ,cno from sc x where x.grade>=(select avg(y.grade) from sc y where y.cno = x.cno);


--select cno,avg(grade )as m_grade from sc group by cno ;

-- 查询大于该课程平均成绩的学生的学号,成绩,课程号
--select distinct sno,grade,cno from sc x where x.grade>=(select avg(y.grade) from sc y where x.cno=y.cno );

--select sname , sage,sdept from student where sage<any (select sage from student where sdept=‘cs‘) and sdept!=‘cs‘;

--select sname , sage,sdept from student where sage>any (select sage from student where sdept=‘cs‘) and sdept!=‘cs‘;

--select top 3 * from student;

--select b.sname ,a.cno , a.sno from
-- student b, (select cno,sno from sc) as a
-- where b.sno=a.sno;

--create table dept(dno int ,dname varchar(20),dmoster varchar(10),primary key(dno));

--drop table dept;

--insert into table dept (dno,dmoster) values(10299,‘113‘);

--select * from student;

--sname,cno from student,sc
--where not exists (select * from sc where sno=student.sno and cno=‘1‘)and sc.sno=student.sno

--select distinct sname from student,sc
--where exists (select * from sc b where sno=student.sno and b.cno=‘1‘)and sc.sno=student.sno

--select sname from student
--where exists (select * from sc b where sno=student.sno and b.cno=‘1‘)

--select sname,cno from student,sc


--查询和高渐离在一个系的其他学生 1
--select sno,sname,sdept from student s1 where exists
--(select * from student s2 where s2.sdept=s1.sdept and s2.sname=‘高渐离‘) and s1.sname!=‘高渐离‘

--select* from student ;

-- 查询和高渐离在一个系的其他学生 2
--select sno,sname,sdept from student where sdept in(select sdept from student s2 where s2.sname=‘高渐离‘) and sname !=‘高渐离‘

-- 查询和高渐离在一个系的其他学生 3
--select sno,sname,sdept from student where sdept=(select sdept from student s2 where s2.sname=‘高渐离‘) and sname !=‘高渐离‘


--select sname from student
-- where not exists (select * from course
-- where not exists (select * from sc
-- where sno=student.sno and cno=course.cno))


-- 一直不理解exists这个语句 下面是从百度知道上搜索出来的
--EXISTS或者NOT EXISTS是把主查询的字段传到后边的查询中作为条件,返回值是TRUE或者FALSE。
--EXISTS TRUE,那么就是查询条件成立,结果会显示出来。
--NOT EXISTS TRUE,则为FALSE,查询连接条件不成立。
--select * from course where not exists(select * from grade where grade.课程代号=course.课程代号)
--同样select * from course where exists(select * from grade where grade.课程代号=course.课程代号)
--另外,EXISTS和NOT EXISTS的作用可以用IN或NOT IN实现,但是exists效率要高。
-- 因为EXISTS和NOT EXISTS返回的结果是TRUE或者FALSE,那么则在子查询中,遇到第一个符合条件的结果,
--而NOT IN或者IN,要把子查询中的SELECT字句全部查询出来才行。


--select * from sc where sno in(‘2014003‘);

--select sno from sc s1 where cno =all (select * from sc where sno in(‘2014003‘));

然后where 子句返回 true,所以该条元组可以输出。然后依次遍历。
select Sname
from Student
where exists
select *
from SC
where Sno = Student.Sno AND Cno=‘1‘
select Sname
from Student,SC
where Student.Sno=SC.Sno AND SC.Cno=‘1‘;

select Sname
from Student
where not exists
select *
from SC
where Sno=Student.Sno AND Cno=‘1‘

select Sname
from Student
where not exists
select *
from Course
where not exists
select *
from SC
where Sno=Student.Sno AND
) );

--!!!在exists(not exists) 子句中 如果有多条记录 依次对每条记录进行判断
--!!!某条记录满足条件就返回 true 剩下的就不用查询了 在结合外层的exists(not exists)
--!!!如果外层为exists 该条记录被选中 如果外层为not exists ,not true该条记录被舍弃



select distinct Sno
from SC SCX
where not exists
( select *
from SC SCY
where SCY.Sno=‘2014006‘ AND
not exists
( select *
from SC SCZ
where SCZ.Sno=SCX.Sno AND

select distinct sno from sc s1
where not exists
(select * from sc s2 where s2.sno=‘2014006‘and not exists
(select * from sc s3 where s1.sno=s3.sno and s2.cno=s3.cno)


就要看其AND后面的not exists返回什么值,而这又取决于第三层查询中是否存在满足学号
等于SCX.Sno且课程号=SCY.Cno的元组,经查看,有 ,则返回false,所以第四个也不能输
出,第五个类似,所以,第一层查询的not exists返回true。所以第一条记录可以输出。

--如何判断两个集合 是否 A包含B
--B中没有一个元素 不在A中存在
select * from K where not exists
(select * from B where not exists
(select * from A where A.filed=b.filed and K...) )


--select distinct sno from sc where cno=‘4‘ or cno=‘5‘

--select sno from sc where cno=‘4‘ union select sno from sc where cno=‘5‘

--select * from student where sage>=22 and sdept=‘cs‘

--集合的差操作可以用not in来代替 not in 后面是要除去的集合
--select * from student where sage>=22 and sdept not in
-- (select sdept from student s1 where sdept=‘cs‘)

--查询计算机系 所有学生中除去年龄大于21岁的
--select * from student s1 where sdept=‘cs‘ and sage not in
-- (select sage from student s2
-- where s2.sage>=22 and s1.sno=s2.sno )



