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sqlserver2008 使用系统用户作为job owner执行失败的bug

时间:2022-03-14 03:17

最近频繁出现使用job执行备份均失败,修改job 的owner为sa以后执行就ok了,不知其原因为何,错误如下:

The job failed.  The owner (test-zuoqujia\Administrator) of job Job_test_FULLBACKUP does not have server access.


  • In SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005, you create a job whose owner is a Windows user account.

  • You run the job and the job works well.

  • You restart the SQL Server Agent.

  • You run the job again.

In this scenario, you may receive the following error message:

The job failed. The owner () of job <Job Name> does not have server access.

When SQL Server Agent starts, the job details will be loaded into the cache. However, when the job owner is a Windows user account, the agent may fail to find the job owner details in the cache and does not refresh the cache. Therefore, the job fails.

然后就不用多说了,解决方法就是打补丁包或者使用其他用户作为job owner啦。



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