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Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide Release 12.2(Patching Procedures)

时间:2022-03-14 04:05


adop will automatically set its environment as required, but it is the user‘s responsibility to set the environment correctly for any other commands that may be run. Set the run edition environment whenever executing commands that you intend to affect the run edition.

For example:

The Patch Wizard home page appears.

  • Submit a request for recommended patches.

    From the Recommend Patches page, select a patch filter. Use the magnifying glass icon to see a list of available patch filters.

    Recommend Patches Page - Top


    After you have entered the requested information, click OK. The results of your request are shown in the Results section of the Patch Wizard main page. You can also schedule the request for a future date.

  • Track the status of your request.

    From the main page, you can track the status of your recommended patch request. Click the Job Status icon for the Recommend/Analyze Patches task.

    Job Status Page


    The Job Status page displays summary information. If you click the Show/Hide icon corresponding to your request ID, the page displays more details. For more information about the fields and functions on this page, see: .

  • Downloading Recommended Patches

    Requirement: How do I use Patch Wizard to download patches?

    Patch Wizard can download patches based on either the list created by the "recommend patches" request or any list of patches entered in the Download Patches page.

    The Download Patches page prompts you for information about the patches to download, then downloads them directly from My Oracle Support. The Merge Options section of this page defines how patches should be merged after they are downloaded.

    To download patches using Patch Wizard

      The Patch Wizard home page appears.

      Patch Wizard Home Page


    1. Submit a request to download patches.

      Click the Tasks icon for Download Patches. The Download Patches page appears.

      Download Patches Page - Top


      On this page, list the patches you want to download in the Patch List field.

      Another option is to click the Details icon for a recommended patch request in the Results section of the Patch Wizard home page.

      Patch Wizard Home Page - Recommended Patches Results


      The Recommended Patches Results page for the recommended patch request appears.

      Recommended Patches Results Page


      Select any number of recommended patches on this page and click the Download button. This populates the Patch List field in the Download Patches page with the selected patch numbers.

    2. Set download options.

      On the Download Patches page, set Merge options and indicate information about languages and platforms. If you choose to automatically merge patches while downloading, specify the merged patch name and the merging strategy. You can select the languages and platform of the patches to download. When you provide information in this section of the page, Patch Wizard only downloads patches that match the selected languages and platform. You can also schedule the download for a future date.

    3. Submit request.

      After you have entered the patch information, click OK.

    4. Track the status of your request.

      From the main page, you can track the status of your patch request. Click the Job Status icon for Download Patches.

      Job Status Page


      The Job Status page displays. If you click the Show/Hide icon corresponding to you request ID, the page displays more details. For more information about the fields and functions on this page, see: .

    Determining Patch Impact on System Files

    Requirement: Before I apply a patch, can I see which system files will be affected?

    Patch Wizard provides a Patch Impact Summary page that shows the impact of a specific patch if applied to your system. It contains the following information: Patch Impact Analysis, Direct Impact Summary, and Indirect Impact Summary. By reviewing these results, you can see detailed information about files included in a patch, as well as the effect a specific patch will have on your existing system files. For example, you can see information about total files in the patch, the number and type of files that will be installed, and which existing files will be changed. See: .

    To view the information on the Patch Impact Summary page

    1. View recommended patches results.

      From the home page, click the Details icon for an item in the Results section.

      Recommended Patches Results Page


      The Recommended Patches Results page for the recommended patch request appears.

      Recommended Patches Results Page


    2. Access the Patch Impact Analysis page.

      Clicking the Impact icon in the Recommended Patches Results page opens the Patch Impact Analysis page for the selected patch.

      Patch Impact Analysis Page


      Many of the line items on this page are links to detailed information about the impact of the patch on the system. For example, the File Types Installed value is a link to a page that lists the file types and the number of unchanged, changed, and new files in the file system as a result of applying the selected patch.

    Creating Patch Recommendations Without an Internet Connection

    Requirement: How do I use the features of creating patch recommendations if I do not have access to an Internet connection?

    You can run Patch Wizard without access to an Internet connection, if necessary, by downloading the Patch Information Bundle to a system which has Internet access. Once the download is complete, copy the Patch Information Bundle file to the Patch Wizard‘s staging directory. Then run Patch Wizard as you normally would based on the files you copied to the staging directory.

    To create recommendations without using an Internet connection

    1. Enter a patch ID.

      In the Applied Patch Check area of the Software Updates page, enter a patch ID or a series of IDs separated by commas. Your queried ID appears in the corresponding column depending on whether it has been applied.

    Searching for Patch Details

    Requirement: What information is available on the Patch Details report? How do I create the report?

    From any Patch Summary report, you can click the Details icon for a selected row to open the Patch Details report, which displays summary information carried over from the Results portion of either the Simple Search or Advanced Search page.

    This report also contains more specific information about the patch, including:

      The report displays patch details such as driver files, start and end dates, and platform. It also provides access to other patch details related to the driver files, such as files copied and bug fixes. You can select a driver from the list, and click one of the additional detail buttons to see other reports.

    • View additional details.

      As an example of the details that are available for a selected driver, click Files Copied.

      Files Copied Report


      For each file, the Files Copied report shows the product short name, the directory where the file was copied, the name of the file, and the version number. To view other information associated with the driver file, click the Patch Details link at the top of the page to return to the previous page.

      As another example, click the Bug Fixes button.

      Bug Fixes Report


      The Bug Fixes report lists all bug fixes included in the selected driver file. It contains the bug number, the associated product, and whether the bug fix was applied. If the fix was not applied, the Remarks column explains why.

    • View the Action Summary report.

      You can create a report that summarizes the actions of a selected driver file. Click the Patch Details link at the top of the page to return to the Patch Details page. (You can also access the Action Summary report by clicking the bug fix number on the Bug Fixes report.)

      From the Patch Details page, select a driver and click the Action Summary button.

      Action Summary Report


      The Action Summary report shows more information about the driver and its actions. For definitions of the column headings, see .

      If the driver selected contains a database portion, the Patch Summary report shows the driver actions, such as sql and exec. If the driver performed actions on the database, the Details icon is active. Click it to see the Action Details report.

    • Searching for Translation Patches

      Requirement: My Oracle E-Business Suite system operates in multiple languages. I want to make sure translation patches have been applied successfully.

      If a patch has an associated translation patch, you apply the translation patch separately. AutoPatch stores information in the patch history database about all translation patches you apply.

      To search for translation patches

        From the Site Map (Maintenance tab), click Applied Patches under the Patching and Utilities heading. The Simple Search page appears.

        Enter the search criteria. For details about using the Simple Search page, see: , or click the OAM Help button.

      1. Specify the patch.

        On the Simple Search page, enter the ID of the translation patch in the Patch field. Click Go.

      2. Review the Patch Summary report

        All applications of the patch are displayed. If multiple translations were applied, there will be multiple rows. The Language column shows the languages applied.

        Applied Patches Page - Simple Search


      Viewing Applied Patches in a Report Format

      Requirement: Can I review applied patches information without the OAM screens?

      There may be times when you want to view applied patch history without running the Oracle Applications Manager. For example, you may need to view large amounts of data, or you may just need a list of patches without the detail provided in the OAM Patch History reports. In these cases, you can run command line scripts that list all patches applied in each AutoPatch session, all files affected by a patch, or all patches applied within a certain date range. The scripts, and a description of the reports they produce, are listed in the following table.

      Output Format
      adphrept.sqlLists patches applied in individual AutoPatch sessions, and includes details.XML
      adfhrept.sqlDisplays information about files changed by patches.XML
      adpchlst.sqlLists patches applied in a given date range.Text

      The XML reports produced by adphrept.sql and adfhrept.sql can either be processed as XML or viewed as HTML.

      To run a report that provides a listing of applied patches, follow the appropriate instructions in this section.

      To see a list of all completed AutoPatch sessions with patch details

      Run the adphrept.sql script (located in <AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql). This script produces an XML report showing individual AutoPatch sessions. If a patch was applied more than once, this report lists each application of the patch. If a merged patch was applied, it lists the merged patch by patch name. It does not list the individual patches within the merged patch.

      To run adphrept.sql, use the following parameters:

      <query_depth> <bug_number or ALL> <bug_product or ALL> <start_date_from (mm/dd/rr or ALL)> <end_date_to (mm/dd/yyyy or ALL)> <patchname/ALL> <patchtype/ALL> <level/ALL> <language/ALL> <appltop/ALL> <limit to forms server? (Y/N)> <limit to web server? (Y/N)> <limit to node server? (Y/N)> <limit to admin server? (Y/N)> <only patches that change DB? (Y/N)> <report_name>.xml

      For <query_depth>, specify 1 (details of patches only), 2 (details of patches and their bug fixes only), or 3 (details of patches, bug fixes, and bug actions).

      At the command prompt, enter the report command and enter values for the parameters and prompts. For example, to see complete patch details for AutoPatch sessions that were run during January 2009, enter the following, using the mm/dd/yyyy date format:


      $ cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql
      $ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @adphrept.sql 3 ALL ALL 01/01/2009 01/31/2009 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL N N N N N jan09.xml


      C:>\ cd %AD_TOP%\patch\115\sql
      C:>\ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @adphrept.sql 3 ALL ALL 01/01/2009 01/31/2009 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL N N N N N jan09.xml

      The <AD_TOP>/html directory contains the adpchrep.xsl style sheet for displaying the XML output file in HTML format. To view the XML file as HTML, copy both the adpchrep.xsl style sheet and XML output report to a directory accessible by a browser. Open the directory in your browser and click the XML filename.

      To display information about files changed by patches

      Run the adfhrept.sql script (located in <AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql) to produce an XML report named adfilerep.xml. Use the following parameters:

      <filename> <latest file version only? (Y/N) <start_date (mm/dd/rr or ALL)> <end_date (mm/dd/yyyy or ALL)> <patchtype/ALL> <language/ALL> <appltop/ALL> <limit to forms server? (Y/N)> <limit to web server? (Y/N)> <only patches that change DB? (Y/N)>

      At the command prompt, enter the report command and enter values for the parameters and prompts. For example, to see the complete file version history for admorgb.pls considering only patches applied in January 2008, enter the following, using mm/dd/yyyy format:


      $ cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql
      $ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @adfhrept.sql admorgb.pls N 01/01/2008 01/31/2008 ALL ALL ALL N N N N N


      C:>\ cd %AD_TOP%\patch\115\sql
      C:>\ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @adfhrept.sql admorgb.pls  N 01/01/2008 01/31/2008 ALL ALL ALL N N N N N

      The <AD_TOP>/html directory contains the adfilerep.xsl style sheet for displaying the XML output file in HTML format. To view the XML file as HTML, copy both the adfilerep.xsl style sheet and XML output report to a directory accessible by a browser. Open the directory in your browser and click on the XML filename.

      To see a list of all patches in a given date range

      The adpchlst.sql report (located in <AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql) produces a list (adpchlst.lst) of all patches in a date range, without patch detail. It differs from adphrept.sql in two ways: it lists a patch only once regardless of how many times it was applied, and it lists individual patches included within a merged patch. For example, if you combine patches 123, 124, and 125 in a merged patch called merged1, the report lists patches 123, 124, and 125, but not merged1.

      At the command prompt, enter the report command and enter the date parameters in mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, to see a list of patches applied in July 2014, enter the following:


      $ cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql
      $ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @adpchlst.sql 07/01/2014 07/31/2014


      C:>\ cd %AD_TOP%\patch\115\sql
      C:>\ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @adpchlst.sql 07/01/2014 07/31/2014

      Monitoring Patches in Progress

      Requirement: Can I monitor the progress of a patch while it is being applied?

      Depending on the size and complexity of a patch, it may take from several minutes to several hours to completely apply it to your system. It is useful to know what a patch is currently doing and how long individual steps are taking.

      The Timing Reports feature of Oracle Applications Manager allows administrators to view live information about in-progress patches, and the time taken by each patch action. To use this feature:

      1. Run adop to start the patching session.

      2. In Oracle Applications Manager, navigate to Timing Reports (Navigation: Sitemap > Maintenance > Patching and Utilities > Timing Reports).

      3. Click on the refresh icon at any time to obtain the latest status.

      It is also possible to monitor progress of a patching cycle by reviewing:

      • adop messages - As adop runs, it displays messages on the screen about the status and progress of the patching process.

      • Patch log files - adop creates log files containing information about the patching actions performed in an online patching cycle.

      • Worker status - For jobs run in parallel, use AD Controller to view the status of the concurrent manager and workers assigned to process jobs. See AD Controller examples in .

      Analyzing Patches Without an Internet Connection

      Requirement: How do I analyze specific patches if I do not have access to an Internet connection?

      You can run Patch Wizard to analyze specific patches without access to an Internet connection, if necessary, by downloading the patches to a system which has Internet access. Once the download is complete, copy the patches to the Patch Wizard‘s staging directory. Then run Patch Wizard as you normally would based on the files you copied to the staging directory.

      To analyze specific patches without using an Internet connection

      1. Download the patch zip file(s) to a system which has Internet access.

      2. Set up a staging directory on a system that does not have Internet access. Patch Wizard must be able to read from and write to this staging directory.

      3. Copy the patch zip file(s) to the <staging directory>/ad directory, if the downloaded patch is an AD product patch. Otherwise, copy the patch zip file(s) to <staging directory>/nonad directory. The zip file(s) must be copied to a system that can access the Patch Wizard staging directory. If the staging directory is on a local disk, the zip file(s) must be copied to the system where you run Patch Wizard. If the staging directory is on a shared (network) disk, it can be copied to any system with access to the shared disk.

      4. Run Analyze Specific Patches as you normally would from this point.


