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Failed to load slave replication state from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos: 1146: Table 'mysql.gtid_slave_pos' doesn't exist

时间:2022-03-10 18:11

MariaDB 10.0.3 Alpha install on Fedora 17 x86_64


was just released.
So for those of you that recall my previous I decided to see how it works with 10.0.3.

I like some of the features that are going into the and releases. Even if you are a big supporter of , when features are available in these releases that are not being back ported into releases DBAs have to review their options and make a choice.

So the install....

As I said before from the previous post I have this installed. So I will just to an upgrade first.

[root@Fedora64 10]# rpm -qa | grep maria

So  packages conflicted at the start.


[root@Fedora64 10]# rpm -Uhv *.rpm
warning: MariaDB-10.0.3-fedora17-x86_64-client.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 1bb943db: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
    libodbc.so.2()(64bit) is needed by MariaDB-connect-engine-10.0.3-1.x86_64
    MySQL-devel conflicts with (installed) mariadb-devel-5.5.31-1.fc17.x86_64 

MariaDB-server-10.0.3-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package mariadb-server-5.5.31-1.fc17.x86_64 
[root@Fedora64 10]# 

So this is just a Virtualbox instance, for demo and evaluation, so I just removed all that I could and had to uninstall.  I was hopeful that an upgrade would work but this is Alpha code still.

[root@Fedora64 10]# rpm -e mariadb mariadb-server mariadb-bench
[root@Fedora64 10]# rpm -e mariadb-libs perl-DBD-MySQL percona-xtrabackup

So now that the past is cleared out... 

[root@Fedora64 10]# rpm -ihv *.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:MariaDB-common         ########################################### [ 11%]
   2:MariaDB-server         ########################################### [ 22%]
   3:MariaDB-cassandra-engin########################################### [ 33%]
   4:MariaDB-client         ########################################### [ 44%]
   5:MariaDB-devel          ########################################### [ 56%]
   6:MariaDB-shared         ########################################### [ 67%]
   7:MariaDB-test           ########################################### [ 78%]
   8:MariaDB-compat         ########################################### [ 89%]
   9:galera                 ########################################### [100%]

If you recall the past , I got the init.d script this time..

[root@Fedora64 10]# /etc/init.d/mysql start
Starting MySQL..... SUCCESS!
[root@Fedora64 10]# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 2
Server version: 10.0.3-MariaDB MariaDB Server

If they are not terrible on performance then I do not see why these are not on by default:

vi /etc/my.cnf

MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like ‘%feedback%‘;
| Variable_name            | Value                                    |
| feedback_send_retry_wait | 60                                       |
| feedback_send_timeout    | 60                                       |
| feedback_url             | https://mariadb.org/feedback_plugin/post |
| feedback_user_info       |                                          |

MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like ‘%userstat%‘;
| Variable_name | Value |
| userstat      | ON    |

Issues I found 30seconds after install...:

MariaDB [(none)]> show variables;
ERROR 1946 (HY000): Failed to load replication slave GTID position from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos 

That is it so far... I have it installed and can review now...

I have submitted this as a . The MariaDB team got right back to me and pointed out that I failed to run mysql_upgrade and restart. That fixed the Error listed above. Still variables feels like it should show everything it has but this is a valid fix and mistake on my part. Thank you to the MariaDB team.

To learn more:

Failed to load slave replication state from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos: 1146: Table 'mysql.gtid_slave_pos' doesn't exist,布布扣,bubuko.com


