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sql set xact_abort on 用例

时间:2022-03-14 18:40

set xact_abort on  



例子 :

ALTER proc [dbo].[BuChongZhaiQuan_SQl] as begin set xact_abort on begin transaction --if exists(select 1 from InvestorApply where RedeemDate=(select ShouldPayDate=max(ShouldPayDate) from ActualRedemptionIncome) and CheckState=9) if exists(select 1 from InvestorApply where CheckState=9 and DeleteState=0) --if(1<>1) print ‘暂不补充比例‘ else begin print ‘执行补充比例,第一步‘ insert into NewBuChong select ApplicationID,ststus=0, REPLACE(CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),getdate(),23),‘-‘,‘‘),getdate() --,ttt.真实匹配比例 ,TTT.LoanDate from tb_sanbiao_20160215_InvestorApplyID end if(@@error<>0) begin select ‘Error‘ rollback tran return; end else begin commit; select ‘OK‘ end end

ALTER  proc  [dbo].[BuChongZhaiQuan_SQl]
as beginset xact_abort on  begin transaction--if exists(select 1 from InvestorApply where RedeemDate=(select ShouldPayDate=max(ShouldPayDate) from ActualRedemptionIncome) and CheckState=9)if exists(select 1 from InvestorApply where  CheckState=9 and DeleteState=0)--if(1<>1)print ‘暂不补充比例‘else beginprint ‘执行补充比例,第一步‘
insert  into NewBuChong select ApplicationID,ststus=0, REPLACE(CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),getdate(),23),‘-‘,‘‘),getdate()--,ttt.真实匹配比例 ,TTT.LoanDatefrom (select tt.ApplicationID,tt.LoaneeName ‘借款人姓名‘, SUM(tt.LoanMatchRatio) as ‘真实匹配比例‘,TT.LoanDate  from (select b.LoanMatchRatio,a.ApplicationID,a.LoaneeName,A.LoanDatefrom Loanee as aleft join LoanMatchDetails as b on b.LoaneeID=a.ID--left join LoanMatch as c on b.LoanMatchID=c.IDleft join InvestorApplyDetails as d on b.InvestorApplyDetailsID=d.IDleft join InvestorApply as e on d.InvestorApplyID=e.IDleft join LoaneeExpand as f on a.ID=f.LoaneeIDleft join Investor as i on e.InvestorID=i.IDwherea.LoanDate>‘1900-01-01‘and f.transferIsorNo=‘Y‘----and  a.AddTime<‘2015-11-01‘----and --and --a.ApplicationID in (

--)anda.LoaneeType=0 and a.DeleteState=0 and d.DeleteState=0 and e.DeleteState=0 and i.DeleteState=0 and e.CheckState in (3)and e.InvestorApplyType<>2and Status=0
)tt   group by ApplicationID,LoaneeName ,LoanDate--,真实匹配比例  --having ‘真实匹配比例‘<>1 ;  
)  ttt  where  ttt.真实匹配比例<1 -- abs(1-ttt.真实匹配比例)>0.00000001print ‘第2步‘select ApplicationID,realRatio into #t  from (select tt.ApplicationID,tt.LoaneeName ‘借款人姓名‘, SUM(tt.LoanMatchRatio) as realRatio  from (select b.LoanMatchRatio,a.ApplicationID,a.LoaneeNamefrom Loanee as aleft join LoanMatchDetails as b on b.LoaneeID=a.IDleft join InvestorApplyDetails as d on b.InvestorApplyDetailsID=d.IDleft join InvestorApply as e on d.InvestorApplyID=e.IDleft join LoaneeExpand as f on a.ID=f.LoaneeIDleft join Investor as i on e.InvestorID=i.IDwherea.LoanDate>‘1900-01-01‘and f.transferIsorNo=‘Y‘--and  a.AddTime<‘2015-11-01‘
and a.ApplicationID in (select  ApplicationID  from NewBuChong   where  ststus=0 and  PiCi= REPLACE(CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),getdate(),23),‘-‘,‘‘))anda.LoaneeType=0 and a.DeleteState=0 and d.DeleteState=0 and e.DeleteState=0 and i.DeleteState=0 and e.CheckState in (3)and e.InvestorApplyType<>2and Status=0
)tt   group by ApplicationID,LoaneeName --,真实匹配比例  --having ‘真实匹配比例‘<>1 ;  
)  ttt   where  abs(1-ttt.realRatio)>0.00000001
 print ‘第3步‘ update Loanee set MatchRatio = t2.realRatio ,SurplusMatchRatio=1-t2.realRatio,UpdateTime=GETDATE()from Loanee t1,#t t2 where t1.ApplicationID = t2.ApplicationID  and  t1.DeleteState=0  and  t1.LoaneeType=0
print ‘第4步‘;with cte as (select a.* from Loanee a right join #t b on  a.ApplicationID=b.ApplicationID and LoaneeType=0 and DeleteState=0)insert into LoanMatchDetails select 2818693,cte.id,0,1, GETDATE(),cte.SurplusMatchRatio,-1,0 ,GETDATE(),29452866,1,newid() from cte
print ‘第5步‘;with cte as (select a.* from Loanee a right join #t b on  a.ApplicationID=b.ApplicationID and LoaneeType=0 and DeleteState=0)update Loanee set SurplusMatchRatio=0 ,MatchRatio= 1 where ID in( select ID from cte )
print ‘第6步‘UPDATE  NewBuChong  SET  ststus=2   where     ststus=0  and  ApplicationID in (select ApplicationID from  #t)end 
if(@@error<>0)beginselect ‘Error‘rollback tranreturn;endelsebegincommit;select ‘OK‘endend


