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时间:2023-05-15 08:34







def menu():    print('-'*20)    print('1---------------begin')    print('2---------------exit')    print('please select begin or exit')    print('-' * 20)    while(1):        select = input('please input:')        if select == '1':            begin_games()            pass        elif select == '2':            print('exit the game')            break            #pass    pass



chess_board = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]


def init_cheaa_board(chess_board): #先对列表进行初始化    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        for j in range(MAX_COL):            chess_board[i][j] = ' '    passdef print_chess_board(chess_board): #棋盘打印    print('*'+'-'*7+'*'+'-'*7+'*'+'-'*7+'*')    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        print('|'+' '*3+chess_board[i][0]+' '*3+'|'+' '*3+chess_board[i][1]+' '*3+'|'+' '*3+chess_board[i][2]+' '*3+'|')        print('*' + '-' * 7 + '*' + '-' * 7 + '*' + '-' * 7 + '*')        pass    pass




def player_first(chess_board):    while(1):        x = int(input('please input x:'))        y = int(input('please input y:'))        if(chess_board[x][y] != ' '): #若已被置子,则重新选择坐标            print('This position is already occupied!')            pass        elif(x >= MAX_ROW or y >= MAX_COL or x < 0 or y < 0): #所选坐标超出棋盘范围,重新选择坐标            print('This position is beyond the chessboard!')            pass        else: #若坐标可以落子,则将该坐标置为玩家的棋子U            chess_board[x][y] = 'U'            print_chess_board(chess_board)            #return x,y            break            pass    pass







def Intercept_player(chess_board,key):    count2 = 0    index2 = []    intercept_index = {'x':-1,'y':-1}    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        index = []        count = 0        count1 = 0        index1 = []        allindex = [0,1,2]        for j in range(MAX_ROW):            if(chess_board[i][j] == key): #每一行的玩家落子情况                count += 1                index.append(j)            if(chess_board[j][i] == key): #每一列的玩家落子情况                #print('j'+str(j)+',i'+str(i)+'='+chess_board[j][i])                count1 += 1                index1.append(j)            if (i == j and chess_board[j][i] == key):  # 在主对角线中的玩家落子情况                count2 += 1                index2.append(j)        if(count == 2):    #在每一行中  获取具体的可以拦截的位置坐标  需要排除掉已经填充的位置            result = list(set(allindex).difference(set(index)))            result = result[0]            if(chess_board[i][result] == ' '): #当这个位置可以进行拦截时,进行坐标返回                #return i,result                intercept_index['x'] = i                intercept_index['y'] = result                return intercept_index        #print(count1,'------->',index1)        if (count1 == 2):  # 在每一列中 获取具体的可以拦截的位置坐标  需要排除掉已经填充的位置            result = list(set(allindex).difference(set(index1)))            result = result[0]            #print('count1==2,result:',result)            if (chess_board[result][i] == ' '):  # 当这个位置可以进行拦截时,进行坐标返回                intercept_index['x'] = result                intercept_index['y'] = i                return intercept_index                #return i, result        if (count2 == 2):  # 在主对角线上 获取具体的可以拦截的位置坐标  需要排除掉已经填充的位置            result = list(set(allindex).difference(set(index2)))            result = result[0]            if (chess_board[i][result] == ' '):  # 当这个位置可以进行拦截时,进行坐标返回                intercept_index['x'] = i                intercept_index['y'] = result                return intercept_index                #return i, result    count3 = 0    if(chess_board[0][2] == key):        count3 += 1    if (chess_board[1][1] == key):        count3 += 1    if (chess_board[2][0] == key):        count3 += 1    if(count3 == 2):        if(chess_board[0][2] == ' '):            intercept_index['x'] = 0            intercept_index['y'] = 2        elif (chess_board[1][1] == ' '):            intercept_index['x'] = 1            intercept_index['y'] = 1        elif (chess_board[2][0] == ' '):            intercept_index['x'] = 2            intercept_index['y'] = 0    return intercept_index    def computer_second(chess_board):  #电脑智能出棋    #1、先检查一下电脑是否两子成棋  若已有,则获取空位置坐标 自己先成棋    intercept_index = Intercept_player(chess_board, 'T')    if (intercept_index['x'] == -1 and intercept_index['y'] == -1):        pass    else:  # 电脑可落子        x = intercept_index['x']        y = intercept_index['y']        chess_board[x][y] = 'T'        return    #2、若玩家快成棋   则先进行拦截    intercept_index = Intercept_player(chess_board,'U')   #若玩家已经两子成棋  则获取空位置的坐标    #print('intercept_index---:')    #print(intercept_index)    if(intercept_index['x'] == -1 and intercept_index['y'] == -1):        pass    else:  #电脑可落子        x = intercept_index['x']        y = intercept_index['y']        chess_board[x][y] = 'T'        return    #3、如果没有,则电脑端排棋  以促进成棋    #3.1、 占领中心位置  如若中心位置[1,1]未被占领    if(chess_board[1][1] == ' '):        chess_board[1][1] = 'T'        return    #3.2、 占领四角位置  若[0,0]  [0,2]  [2,0]  [2,2]未被占领    if (chess_board[0][0] == ' '):        chess_board[0][0] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[0][2] == ' '):        chess_board[0][2] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[2][0] == ' '):        chess_board[2][0] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[2][2] == ' '):        chess_board[2][2] = 'T'        return    # 3.3、 占领每一边中心位置  若[0,1]  [1,0]  [1,2]  [2,1]未被占领    if (chess_board[0][1] == ' '):        chess_board[0][1] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[1][0] == ' '):        chess_board[1][0] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[1][2] == ' '):        chess_board[1][2] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[2][1] == ' '):        chess_board[2][1] = 'T'        return



def chess_board_isfull(chess_board):   #判断棋盘是否填充满    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        if (' ' in chess_board[i]):            return 0    return 1    pass    def Win_or_lose(chess_board):    isfull = chess_board_isfull(chess_board)    for i in range(MAX_ROW):  #每一列的判断        if( chess_board[0][i] == chess_board[1][i] == chess_board[2][i]):            return chess_board[0][i]            pass        pass    for i in range(MAX_ROW):  # 每一行的判断        if( chess_board[i][0] == chess_board[i][1] == chess_board[i][2]):            return chess_board[i][0]            pass        pass    if (chess_board[0][0] == chess_board[1][1] == chess_board[2][2]):  # 判断棋盘正对角线        return chess_board[0][0]    if (chess_board[0][2] == chess_board[1][1] == chess_board[2][0]):  # 判断棋盘反对角线        return chess_board[0][2]    if isfull:        return 'D'  # 经过以上的判断,都不满足(既没赢也没输),但是棋盘也已经填充满,则说明和棋    else:        return ' '


# coding=utf-8import randomMAX_ROW = 3MAX_COL = 3#array = ['0','0','0']chess_board = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] #[array] * 3def init_cheaa_board(chess_board):    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        for j in range(MAX_COL):            chess_board[i][j] = ' '    passdef print_chess_board(chess_board):    print('*'+'-'*7+'*'+'-'*7+'*'+'-'*7+'*')    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        print('|'+' '*3+chess_board[i][0]+' '*3+'|'+' '*3+chess_board[i][1]+' '*3+'|'+' '*3+chess_board[i][2]+' '*3+'|')        print('*' + '-' * 7 + '*' + '-' * 7 + '*' + '-' * 7 + '*')        pass    passdef player_first(chess_board):    while(1):        x = int(input('please input x:'))        y = int(input('please input y:'))        if(chess_board[x][y] != ' '):            print('This position is already occupied!')            pass        elif(x >= MAX_ROW or y >= MAX_COL or x < 0 or y < 0):            print('This position is beyond the chessboard!')            pass        else:            chess_board[x][y] = 'U'            print_chess_board(chess_board)            #return x,y            break            pass    passdef chess_board_isfull(chess_board):   #判断棋盘是否填充满    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        if (' ' in chess_board[i]):            return 0    return 1    passdef Win_or_lose(chess_board):    isfull = chess_board_isfull(chess_board)    for i in range(MAX_ROW):  #每一列的判断        if( chess_board[0][i] == chess_board[1][i] == chess_board[2][i]):            return chess_board[0][i]            pass        pass    for i in range(MAX_ROW):  # 每一行的判断        if( chess_board[i][0] == chess_board[i][1] == chess_board[i][2]):            return chess_board[i][0]            pass        pass    if (chess_board[0][0] == chess_board[1][1] == chess_board[2][2]):  # 判断棋盘正对角线        return chess_board[0][0]    if (chess_board[0][2] == chess_board[1][1] == chess_board[2][0]):  # 判断棋盘反对角线        return chess_board[0][2]    if isfull:        return 'D'  # 经过以上的判断,都不满足(既没赢也没输),但是棋盘也已经填充满,则说明和棋    else:        return ' 'def computer_second_random(chess_board):    #电脑随机出棋    while(1):        x = random.randint(0,2)        y = random.randint(0,2)        if(chess_board[x][y] != ' '):            continue        else:            chess_board[x][y] = 'T'            breakdef Intercept_player(chess_board,key):    count2 = 0    index2 = []    intercept_index = {'x':-1,'y':-1}    for i in range(MAX_ROW):        index = []        count = 0        count1 = 0        index1 = []        allindex = [0,1,2]        for j in range(MAX_ROW):            if(chess_board[i][j] == key): #每一行的玩家落子情况                count += 1                index.append(j)            if(chess_board[j][i] == key): #每一列的玩家落子情况                #print('j'+str(j)+',i'+str(i)+'='+chess_board[j][i])                count1 += 1                index1.append(j)            if (i == j and chess_board[j][i] == key):  # 在主对角线中的玩家落子情况                count2 += 1                index2.append(j)        if(count == 2):    #在每一行中  获取具体的可以拦截的位置坐标  需要排除掉已经填充的位置            result = list(set(allindex).difference(set(index)))            result = result[0]            if(chess_board[i][result] == ' '): #当这个位置可以进行拦截时,进行坐标返回                #return i,result                intercept_index['x'] = i                intercept_index['y'] = result                return intercept_index        #print(count1,'------->',index1)        if (count1 == 2):  # 在每一列中 获取具体的可以拦截的位置坐标  需要排除掉已经填充的位置            result = list(set(allindex).difference(set(index1)))            result = result[0]            #print('count1==2,result:',result)            if (chess_board[result][i] == ' '):  # 当这个位置可以进行拦截时,进行坐标返回                intercept_index['x'] = result                intercept_index['y'] = i                return intercept_index                #return i, result        if (count2 == 2):  # 在主对角线上 获取具体的可以拦截的位置坐标  需要排除掉已经填充的位置            result = list(set(allindex).difference(set(index2)))            result = result[0]            if (chess_board[i][result] == ' '):  # 当这个位置可以进行拦截时,进行坐标返回                intercept_index['x'] = i                intercept_index['y'] = result                return intercept_index                #return i, result    count3 = 0    if(chess_board[0][2] == key):        count3 += 1    if (chess_board[1][1] == key):        count3 += 1    if (chess_board[2][0] == key):        count3 += 1    if(count3 == 2):        if(chess_board[0][2] == ' '):            intercept_index['x'] = 0            intercept_index['y'] = 2        elif (chess_board[1][1] == ' '):            intercept_index['x'] = 1            intercept_index['y'] = 1        elif (chess_board[2][0] == ' '):            intercept_index['x'] = 2            intercept_index['y'] = 0    return intercept_indexdef computer_second(chess_board):  #电脑智能出棋    #1、先检查一下电脑是否两子成棋  若已有,则获取空位置坐标 自己先成棋    intercept_index = Intercept_player(chess_board, 'T')    if (intercept_index['x'] == -1 and intercept_index['y'] == -1):        pass    else:  # 电脑可落子        x = intercept_index['x']        y = intercept_index['y']        chess_board[x][y] = 'T'        return    #2、若玩家快成棋   则先进行拦截    intercept_index = Intercept_player(chess_board,'U')   #若玩家已经两子成棋  则获取空位置的坐标    #print('intercept_index---:')    #print(intercept_index)    if(intercept_index['x'] == -1 and intercept_index['y'] == -1):        pass    else:  #电脑可落子        x = intercept_index['x']        y = intercept_index['y']        chess_board[x][y] = 'T'        return    #3、如果没有,则电脑端排棋  以促进成棋    #3.1、 占领中心位置  如若中心位置[1,1]未被占领    if(chess_board[1][1] == ' '):        chess_board[1][1] = 'T'        return    #3.2、 占领四角位置  若[0,0]  [0,2]  [2,0]  [2,2]未被占领    if (chess_board[0][0] == ' '):        chess_board[0][0] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[0][2] == ' '):        chess_board[0][2] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[2][0] == ' '):        chess_board[2][0] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[2][2] == ' '):        chess_board[2][2] = 'T'        return    # 3.3、 占领每一边中心位置  若[0,1]  [1,0]  [1,2]  [2,1]未被占领    if (chess_board[0][1] == ' '):        chess_board[0][1] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[1][0] == ' '):        chess_board[1][0] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[1][2] == ' '):        chess_board[1][2] = 'T'        return    if (chess_board[2][1] == ' '):        chess_board[2][1] = 'T'        returndef begin_games():    global chess_board    init_cheaa_board(chess_board)    result = ' '    while(1):        print_chess_board(chess_board)        player_first(chess_board)        result = Win_or_lose(chess_board)        if(result != ' '):            break        else: #棋盘还没满,该电脑出棋            #computer_second_random(chess_board)            computer_second(chess_board)            result = Win_or_lose(chess_board)            if (result != ' '):                break    print_chess_board(chess_board)    if (result == 'U'):        print('Congratulations on your victory!')    elif (result == 'T'):        print('Unfortunately, you failed to beat the computer.')    elif (result == 'D'):        print('The two sides broke even.')def menu():    print('-'*20)    print('1---------------begin')    print('2---------------exit')    print('please select begin or exit')    print('-' * 20)    while(1):        select = input('please input:')        if select == '1':            begin_games()            pass        elif select == '2':            print('exit the game')            break            #pass    passif __name__ == "__main__":    menu()    pass


4.1 在以下截图中,展示了电脑拦截、占据有利位置、并率先成棋的过程






