时间:2023-05-19 23:27
RegEx 或正则表达式是形成搜索模式的字符序列。 RegEx 可用于检查字符串是否包含指定的搜索模式。 Python 提供名为 re 的内置包,可用于处理正则表达式。 导入 re 模块: 导入 re 模块后,就可以开始使用正则表达式了: 实例 检索字符串以查看它是否以 “China” 开头并以 “country” 结尾: 运行实例 re 模块提供了一组函数,允许我们检索字符串以进行匹配: 元字符是具有特殊含义的字符 字符:[] 描述:一组字符 示例:“[a-m]” 运行示例 字符: 描述:示意特殊序列(也可用于转义特殊字符) 示例:“d” 运行示例 字符:. 描述:任何字符(换行符除外) 示例: “he…o” 运行示例 字符:^ 描述:起始于 示例: “^hello” 运行示例 字符:$ 描述:结束于 示例:“world$” 运行示例 字符:* 描述:零次或多次出现 示例:“aix*” 运行示例 字符:+ 描述:一次或多次出现 示例: “aix+” 运行示例 字符:{} 描述: 确切地指定的出现次数 示例:“al{2}” 运行示例 字符:| 描述:两者任一 示例:“falls|stays” 运行示例 字符:() 描述:捕获和分组 特殊序列指的是 后跟下表中的某个字符,拥有特殊含义。 字符:A 描述:如果指定的字符位于字符串的开头,则返回匹配项 示例:“AThe” 运行示例 字符: 描述:返回指定字符位于单词的开头或末尾的匹配项 示例:r"ain" 运行示例 示例:r"ain" 运行示例 字符:B 描述:返回指定字符存在的匹配项,但不在单词的开头(或结尾处) 示例:r"Bain" 运行示例 示例:r"ainB" 运行示例 字符:d 描述:返回字符串包含数字的匹配项(数字 0-9) 示例:“d” 运行示例 字符:D 描述:返回字符串不包含数字的匹配项 示例:“D” 运行示例 字符:s 描述:返回字符串包含空白字符的匹配项 示例:“s” 运行示例 字符:S 描述:返回字符串不包含空白字符的匹配项 示例:“S” 运行示例 字符:w 描述: 返回一个匹配项,其中字符串包含任何单词字符 (从 a 到 Z 的字符,从 0 到 9 的数字和下划线 _ 字符) 示例:“w” 运行示例 字符:W 描述:返回一个匹配项,其中字符串不包含任何单词字符 示例:“W” 运行示例 字符: 描述:如果指定的字符位于字符串的末尾,则返回匹配项 。 示例:“Spain” 运行示例 集合(Set)是一对方括号 [] 内的一组字符,具有特殊含义。 字符:[arn] 描述:返回一个匹配项,其中存在指定字符(a,r 或 n)之一 示例 运行示例 字符:[a-n] 描述:返回字母顺序 a 和 n 之间的任意小写字符匹配项 示例 运行示例 字符:[^arn] 描述:返回除 a、r 和 n 之外的任意字符的匹配项 示例 运行示例 字符:[0123] 描述:返回存在任何指定数字(0、1、2 或 3)的匹配项 示例 运行示例 字符:[0-9] 描述:返回 0 与 9 之间任意数字的匹配 示例 运行示例 字符:[0-5][0-9] 描述:返回介于 0 到 9 之间的任何数字的匹配项 示例 运行示例 字符:[a-zA-Z] 描述:返回字母顺序 a 和 z 之间的任何字符的匹配,小写或大写 示例 运行示例 字符:[+] 描述:在集合中,+、*、.、|、()、$、{} 没有特殊含义,因此 [+] 表示:返回字符串中任何 + 字符的匹配项。 示例 运行示例 findall() 函数返回包含所有匹配项的列表。 实例 打印所有匹配的列表 运行实例 这个列表以被找到的顺序包含匹配项。 如果未找到匹配项,则返回空列表。 实例 如果未找到匹配,则返回空列表: 运行实例 search() 函数搜索字符串中的匹配项,如果存在匹配则返回 Match 对象。 如果有多个匹配,则仅返回首个匹配项。 实例 在字符串中搜索第一个空白字符 运行实例 如果未找到匹配,则返回值 None: 实例 进行不返回匹配的检索 运行实例 split() 函数返回一个列表,其中字符串在每次匹配时被拆分。 实例 在每个空白字符处进行拆分 运行实例 可以通过指定 maxsplit 参数来控制出现次数: 实例 仅在首次出现时拆分字符串: 运行实例 sub() 函数把匹配替换为您选择的文本 实例 用数字 9 替换每个空白字符 运行实例 可以通过指定 count 参数来控制替换次数: 实例 替换前两次出现 运行实例 Match 对象是包含有关搜索和结果信息的对象。 注释:如果没有匹配,则返回值 None,而不是 Match 对象。 实例 执行会返回 Match 对象的搜索: 运行实例 Match 对象提供了用于取回有关搜索及结果信息的属性和方法: 实例 打印首个匹配出现的位置(开始和结束位置)。 正则表达式查找以大写 “C” 开头的任何单词: 运行实例 实例 打印传入函数的字符串 运行实例 实例 打印匹配的字符串部分 正则表达式查找以大写 “C” 开头的任何单词: 运行实例 注释:如果没有匹配项,则返回值 None,而不是 Match 对象。 以上就是Python的RegEx正则表达式怎么使用的详细内容,更多请关注Gxl网其它相关文章!RegEx 模块
import re
Python 中的 RegEx
import retxt = "China is a great country"x ="^China.*country$", txt)
import retxt = "China is a great country"x ="^China.*country$", txt)if (x): print("YES! We have a match!")else: print("No match")
RegEx 函数
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Find all lower case characters alphabetically between "a" and "m":x = re.findall("[a-m]", str)print(x)
import restr = "That will be 59 dollars"#Find all digit characters:x = re.findall("d", str)print(x)
import restr = "hello world"#Search for a sequence that starts with "he", followed by two (any) characters, and an "o":x = re.findall("he..o", str)print(x)
import restr = "hello world"#Check if the string starts with 'hello':x = re.findall("^hello", str)if (x): print("Yes, the string starts with 'hello'")else: print("No match")
import restr = "hello world"#Check if the string ends with 'world':x = re.findall("world$", str)if (x): print("Yes, the string ends with 'world'")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain!"#Check if the string contains "ai" followed by 0 or more "x" characters:x = re.findall("aix*", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain!"#Check if the string contains "ai" followed by 1 or more "x" characters:x = re.findall("aix+", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain!"#Check if the string contains "a" followed by exactly two "l" characters:x = re.findall("al{2}", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain!"#Check if the string contains either "falls" or "stays":x = re.findall("falls|stays", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if the string starts with "The":x = re.findall("AThe", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is a match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if "ain" is present at the beginning of a WORD:x = re.findall(r"ain", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if "ain" is present at the end of a WORD:x = re.findall(r"ain", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if "ain" is present, but NOT at the beginning of a word:x = re.findall(r"Bain", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if "ain" is present, but NOT at the end of a word:x = re.findall(r"ainB", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if the string contains any digits (numbers from 0-9):x = re.findall("d", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Return a match at every no-digit character:x = re.findall("D", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Return a match at every white-space character:x = re.findall("s", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Return a match at every NON white-space character:x = re.findall("S", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Return a match at every word character (characters from a to Z, digits from 0-9, and the underscore _ character):x = re.findall("w", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Return a match at every NON word character (characters NOT between a and Z. Like "!", "?" white-space etc.):x = re.findall("W", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if the string ends with "Spain":x = re.findall("Spain", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is a match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if the string has any a, r, or n characters:x = re.findall("[arn]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if the string has any characters between a and n:x = re.findall("[a-n]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if the string has other characters than a, r, or n:x = re.findall("[^arn]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "The rain in Spain"#Check if the string has any 0, 1, 2, or 3 digits:x = re.findall("[0123]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "8 times before 11:45 AM"#Check if the string has any digits:x = re.findall("[0-9]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "8 times before 11:45 AM"#Check if the string has any two-digit numbers, from 00 to 59:x = re.findall("[0-5][0-9]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "8 times before 11:45 AM"#Check if the string has any characters from a to z lower case, and A to Z upper case:x = re.findall("[a-zA-Z]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
import restr = "8 times before 11:45 AM"#Check if the string has any + characters:x = re.findall("[+]", str)print(x)if (x): print("Yes, there is at least one match!")else: print("No match")
findall() 函数
import restr = "China is a great country"x = re.findall("a", str)print(x)
import restr = "China is a great country"x = re.findall("USA", str)print(x)
search() 函数
import restr = "China is a great country"x ="s", str)print("The first white-space character is located in position:", x.start())
import restr = "China is a great country"x ="USA", str)print(x)
split() 函数
import restr = "China is a great country"x = re.split("s", str)print(x)
import restr = "China is a great country"x = re.split("s", str, 1)print(x)
sub() 函数
import restr = "China is a great country"x = re.sub("s", "9", str)print(x)
import restr = "China is a great country"x = re.sub("s", "9", str, 2)print(x)
Match 对象
import restr = "China is a great country"x ="a", str)print(x) # 将打印一个对象
返回匹配的字符串部分import restr = "China is a great country"x ="Cw+", str)print(x.span())
import restr = "China is a great country"x ="Cw+", str)print(x.string)
import restr = "China is a great country"x ="Cw+", str)print(