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python 2.7实现智能对话的详细操作方法

时间:2022-10-26 16:01

      今天小编就带大家来共同学习python 2.7实现智能对话的详细操作方法,希望可以帮助到有需要的小伙伴哦。

      python 2.7实现智能对话的详细操作方法

python 2.7实现智能对话的详细操作方法


      2.python 代码

      from aip import AipSpeech

      import urllib

      import json

      import requests

      import mp3play

      import pyaudio

      import wave

      import time

      APP_ID = ''

      API_KEY = ''

      SECRET_KEY = ''

      aipSpeech = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)

      key = ''

      api = 'http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api?key=' + key + '&info='

      url = "http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api"

      user_id = 'tosobright'

      def get_file_content(filePath):

      with open(filePath, 'rb') as fp:

      return fp.read()

      def getHtml(url):

      page = urllib.urlopen(url)

      html = page.read()

      return html

      def getHtml2(data):

      body = {'key': key, 'info': data.encode('utf8'), 'userid': user_id}

      r = requests.post(url, data=body)

      return r.text

      while 1:


      p = pyaudio.PyAudio()


      stream = p.open(format=8,channels=1,rate=16000,input=True,frames_per_buffer=1024)

      print("* recording")

      frames = []

      for i in range(0, int(16000 / 1024 * RECORD_SECONDS)):

      data = stream.read(1024)


      print("* done recording")




      wf = wave.open("record.pcm", 'wb')




      wf.writeframes(b''.join(frames ))


      print('* Get Data From Baidu')

      res = aipSpeech.asr(get_file_content('record.pcm'), 'pcm', 16000, {

      'lan': 'zh',


      print res

      print res.get('result')[0].encode('cp936')

      print('* Get Data From Tuling')

      #request = api + res.get('result')[0].encode('cp936')

      #print request

      #response = getHtml(request)

      response = getHtml2(res.get('result')[0])

      dic_json = json.loads(response)

      print dic_json['text']

      print('* Get mp3 From Baidu')

      result = aipSpeech.synthesis(dic_json['text'], 'zh', 1, {

      'vol': 5,


      if not isinstance(result, dict):

      with open('au.mp3', 'wb') as f:


      print('* Play mp3')

      mp3 = mp3play.load('au.mp3')


      time.sleep(min(30, mp3.seconds()))



      APP_ID = ''

      API_KEY = ''

      SECRET_KEY = ''

python 2.7实现智能对话的详细操作方法截图


      5.安装python的依赖库pip install baidu-aip

      pip install requests

      pip install mp3play

      pip install pyaudio

python 2.7实现智能对话的详细操作方法截图

      6.将第2步的代码保存成ai.py文件,并使用python IDE打开,运行即可.

      以上就是python 2.7实现智能对话的详细操作方法,希望学习后对你有所帮助。


