
A JQuery plugin to display sleek, instant notifications, confirmations or prompts inside a given element.

Success Message

type: "success",
message: "Woohoo! It works!"

type: "error",
message: "Whoops! Something went wrong!",
closeConfirm: true

Closable Message

Timed Message

type: "info",
message: "This message will close in 5 seconds!",
duration: 5,
upper: true

type: "warn",
message: "A user has reported you!",
duration: 3

Warning Message

Prompt Alert

type: "prompt",
message: "What's your name?"

type: "confirm",
message: "Are you sure?"

Confirmation Alert

Customized Alert

custom: true,
textColor: "#FCE4EC",
primary: "#F06292",
accent: "#FCE4EC",
message: "This is my custom message 😜"

type: "confirm",
primary: "#40D47E",
accent: "#27AE60",
yesColor: "#3498DB",
message: "Do you want to continue?",
callback: function () {
var selection = $("body").data("overhangConfirm");
var response = selection ? "yes" : "no";
alert("You made your selection of " + response);

Using callbacks

Using HTML

var snapchatIcon = '<i class="fa fa-snapchat-ghost" style="color: #FFFC00" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
var snapchatNote = ' Add "thepaulkr" on snapchat!';

type: "confirm",
primary: "#333333",
accent: "#FFFC00",
message: snapchatIcon + snapchatNote,
custom: true,
html: true,
callback: function () {
var selection = $("body").data("overhangConfirm");
if (selection) {
  window.open("https://www.gxlsystem.com/", "_blank");
} else {
  alert("Maybe next time then...");

适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持IE8及以下浏览器。
