A small Google Maps Javascript helper.
var maplace = new Maplace(); maplace.Load(); // or new Maplace().Load();
<div id="gmap"></div>
//dropdown example new Maplace({ locations: LocsA, map_div: '#gmap-dropdown', controls_title: 'Choose a location:' }).Load(); //ul list example new Maplace({ locations: LocsB, map_div: '#gmap-list', controls_type: 'list', controls_title: 'Choose a location:' }).Load();
<div id="gmap-dropdown"></div> <div id="gmap-list"></div>
new Maplace({ locations: LocsB, map_div: '#gmap-tabs', controls_div: '#controls-tabs', controls_type: 'list', controls_on_map: false, show_infowindow: false, start: 1, afterShow: function(index, location, marker) { $('#info').html(location.html); } }).Load();
<div id="controls-tabs"></div> <div id="info"></div> <div id="gmap-tabs"></div>
new Maplace({ locations: LocsA, map_div: '#gmap-polyline', controls_div: '#controls-polyline', controls_type: 'list', controls_on_map: false, view_all_text: 'Start', type: 'polyline' }).Load();
<div id="controls-polyline"></div> <div id="gmap-polyline"></div>
new Maplace({ locations: LocsA, map_div: '#gmap-polygon', controls_div: '#controls-polygon', controls_type: 'list', show_markers: false, type: 'polygon', draggable: true }).Load();
<div id="gmap-polygon"></div>
new Maplace({ locations: LocsD, map_div: '#gmap-route', generate_controls: false, show_markers: false, type: 'directions', draggable: true, directions_panel: '#route', afterRoute: function(distance) { $('#km').text(': '+(distance/1000)+'km'); } }).Load();
<h2>Route <strong id="km"></strong></h2> <div id="gmap-route"></div> <div id="route"></div>
new Maplace({ map_div: '#gmap-styled', locations: LocsAB, start: 3, styles: { 'Other style': [{ stylers: [ { hue: "#00ffe6" }, { saturation: -20 } ] }, { featureType: "road", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [ { lightness: 100 }, { visibility: "simplified" } ] }, { featureType: "road", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] }], 'Night': [{ featureType: 'all', stylers: [ { invert_lightness: 'true' } ] }], 'Greyscale': [{ featureType: 'all', stylers: [ { saturation: -100 }, { gamma: 0.50 } ] }] } }).Load();
<div id="gmap-styled"></div>
var maplace = new Maplace({ map_div: '#gmap-mixed', controls_div: '#controls-mixed', controls_type: 'list', controls_on_map: false }); $('#tabs a').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var index = $(this).attr('data-load'); showGroup(index); }); function showGroup(index) { var el = $('#g'+index); $('#tabs li').removeClass('active'); $(el).parent().addClass('active'); $.getJSON('data/ajax.php', { type: index }, function(data) { //loads data into the map maplace.Load({ locations: data.locations, view_all_text: data.title, type: data.type, force_generate_controls: true }); }); } showGroup(0);
<ul id="tabs"> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-load="0" id="g0" title="Group A">Group A</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-load="1" id="g1" title="Group B">Group B</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-load="2" id="g2" title="Group C">Group C</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-load="3" id="g3" title="Group D">Group D</a></li> </ul> <div id="controls-mixed"></div> <div id="gmap-mixed"></div>
new Maplace({ map_div: '#gmap-fusion', type: 'fusion', map_options: { zoom: 2, set_center: [31.1, -39.4] }, fusion_options: { query: { from: '423292', select: 'location' }, heatmap: { enabled: true }, suppressInfoWindows: true } }).Load();
<div id="gmap-fusion"></div>
Download the latest version of Maplace.js and include the Google Maps API v3 along with jQuery.
<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&libraries=geometry&v=3.7"> </script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script> <script src="maplace.min.js"></script>
Just place a DIV in your page and give it a unique ID or class, "gmap" by default, but you can change it in the options.
<div id="gmap"></div>
If you want the menu outside of the map you need to include another DIV with a unique ID or class, "controls" by default.
<div id="controls"></div>
Now you can create the map.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { new Maplace({ locations: [{...}, {...}], controls_on_map: false }).Load(); }); </script>
If you want to center the map on a single location without any marker, you have two options:
new Maplace({ show_markers: false, locations: [{ lat: 45.9, lon: 10.9, zoom: 8 }] }).Load(); //or new Maplace({ map_options: { set_center: [45.9, 10.9], zoom: 8 } }).Load();
Option | Type | Default | Description |
map_div | string | #gmap | Where you want to show the Map |
controls_div | string | #controls |
Where you want to show the menu. generate_controls must be true controls_on_map must be false At least more than one location on map |
generate_controls | boolean | true | If false, the menu will not generated |
force_generate_controls | boolean | false | Force to generate menu also with one location |
controls_type | string | dropdown | To set the menu type choose between: dropdown | list |
controls_on_map | boolean | true | If false, the menu will be generated into the element defined by the property controls_div |
controls_title | string | Add a title/header text to the menu | |
controls_cssclass | string | Add a custom class to the menu element | |
controls_applycss | boolean | true | If false, default styles to the menu will not be applied |
controls_position | object | google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP |
Controls position on the right, below top-right elements of the map. As defined by Google |
type | string | marker | To set the Map type choose between: marker | polyline | polygon | directions | fusion |
view_all | boolean | true | If false the link "view all" will not be created |
view_all_text | string | View All | Set a custom text for the link "view all" |
start | integer | 0 | Set the first location to show, 0 stands for "view all" |
locations | Array <locations> | [] |
List of locations being marked on the map. Check the location docs page for more details |
commons | object | {} | Overwrite every location with a set of common properties |
show_markers | boolean | true | If false, markers will not be visible on the map |
show_infowindows | boolean | true | If false, infowindows will not be created |
infowindow_type | string | bubble | Only bubble is supported |
visualRefresh | boolean | true | Enable/disable the new google maps look and feel |
map_options | Object |
{ mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, zoom: 1 } |
Map options as defined by Google. The property center will be ignored. Check at the Install page to see how to center the map with only one location |
styles | Object |
{} |
Style options as defined by Google |
stroke_options | Object |
{ strokeColor: '#0000FF', strokeOpacity: 0.8, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: '#0000FF', fillOpacity: 0.4 } |
Stroke options as defined by Google. Used in Polyline/Polygon/Directions/Fusion Map type. |
directions_options | Object |
{ travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.METRIC, optimizeWaypoints: false, provideRouteAlternatives: false, avoidHighways: false, avoidTolls: false } |
Direction options as defined by Google |
directions_panel | string | null | ID or class of the div in which to display the directions steps. |
fusion_options | Object | {} | Fusion tables options as defined by Google |
draggable | boolean | false | If true, allow the users to drag and modify the route, the polyline or the polygon |
listeners | Object | {} | Example:listeners: { click: function(map, event) { map.setOptions({scrollwheel: true}); } }Docs: Google maps Events |
Function | Params | Return | Description |
AddControl | string <name>, function | Add you own menu type to the map. Check at the Menu Docs page for more details. | |
CloseInfoWindow | Close the current infowindow | ||
ShowOnMenu | integer <index> | boolean | Checks if a location has to be shown on menu |
ViewOnMap | integer <index> | Triggers to show a location on map | |
SetLocations | array <locations>, boolean <reload> | Replace the current locations | |
AddLocations | array <locations> | object <location>, boolean <reload> | Adds one or many locations | |
AddLocation | object <location>, integer <index>, boolean <reload> | Adds one location at the specific index | |
RemoveLocations | array <indexes> | integer <index>, boolean <reload> | Delete one or many locations | |
Load | null | object <options> | Loads or updates the current configuration and constructs the map | |
Loaded | Checks if a Load() was already been called |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
beforeViewAll | function | Fires before showing all the locations | |
afterViewAll | function | Fires after showing all the locations | |
beforeShow | function | (index, location, marker){} | Fires before showing the current triggered location |
afterShow | function | (index, location, marker){} | Fires after showing the current triggered location |
afterCreateMarker | function | (index, location, marker){} | Fires after a marker creation |
beforeCloseInfowindow | function | (index, location){} | Fires before closing the infowindow |
afterCloseInfowindow | function | (index, location){} | Function called after closing the infowindow |
beforeOpenInfowindow | function | (index, location, marker){} | Fires before opening the infowindow |
afterOpenInfowindow | function | (index, location, marker){} | Fires after opening the infowindow |
afterRoute | function | (distance, status, result){} | Fires after the route calcoule |
onPolylineClick | function | (obj) {} | Fires when click on polylines |
Option | Type | Description |
lat | float | Latitude (required) |
lon | float | Longitude (required) |
title | string | Link title for the menu |
html | string |
Html content for the infowindow String %index will be replaced with the location index String %title will be replaced with the content of the title |
icon | string/uri | Icon for the marker |
zoom | integer | Zoom level when focus the marker |
show_infowindow | boolean | Force to show or not the infowindow, true by default |
visible | boolean | If true, the marker is visible, true by default |
stopover | boolean |
Available in type: directions If true, indicates that this waypoint is a stop between the origin and destination. This has the effect of splitting the route in two. false by default |
* | Whatever you want to pass and catch in your menu function. | |
For other options look at the Google page |
var LocsA = [ { lat: 45.9, lon: 10.9, title: 'Title A1', html: '<h3>Content A1</h3>', icon: 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/markerA.png' }, { lat: 44.8, lon: 1.7, title: 'Title B1', html: '<h3>Content B1</h3>', icon: 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/markerB.png', show_infowindow: false }, { lat: 51.5, lon: -1.1, title: 'Title C1', html: [ '<h3>Content C1</h3>', '<p>Lorem Ipsum..</p>' ].join(''), icon: 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/markerC.png' } ]; var LocsB = [ { lat: 52.1, lon: 11.3, title: 'Title A2', html: [ '<h3>Content A2</h3>', '<p>Lorem Ipsum..</p>' ].join(''), zoom: 8 }, { lat: 51.2, lon: 22.2, title: 'Title B2', html: [ '<h3>Content B2</h3>', '<p>Lorem Ipsum..</p>' ].join(''), zoom: 8 }, { lat: 49.4, lon: 35.9, title: 'Title C2', html: [ '<h3>Content C2</h3>', '<p>Lorem Ipsum..</p>' ].join(''), zoom: 4 }, { lat: 47.8, lon: 15.6, title: 'Title D2', html: [ '<h3>Content D2</h3>', '<p>Lorem Ipsum..</p>' ].join(''), zoom: 6 } ]; var LocsAB = LocsA.concat(LocsB); var LocsC = [ { lat: 45.4654, lon: 9.1866, title: 'Milan, Italy' }, { lat: 47.36854, lon: 8.53910, title: 'Zurich, Switzerland' }, { lat: 48.892, lon: 2.359, title: 'Paris, France' }, { lat: 48.13654, lon: 11.57706, title: 'Munich, Germany' } ]; var LocsD = [ { lat: 45.4654, lon: 9.1866, title: 'Milan, Italy', html: '<h3>Milan, Italy</h3>' }, { lat: 47.36854, lon: 8.53910, title: 'Zurich, Switzerland', html: '<h3>Zurich, Switzerland</h3>', visible: false }, { lat: 48.892, lon: 2.359, title: 'Paris, France', html: '<h3>Paris, France</h3>', stopover: true }, { lat: 48.13654, lon: 11.57706, title: 'Munich, Germany', html: '<h3>Munich, Germany</h3>' } ];
This is a simple checkbox menu example. You have to define two methods to make it work: activateCurrent and getHtml
and this variable will be scoped to the current Maplace instance.
var html_checks = { //required: called by Maplace.js to activate the current voice on menu activateCurrent: function(index) { this.html_element.find("input[value='" + index + "']").attr('checked', true); }, //required: called by Maplace.js to get the html of the menu getHtml: function() { var self = this, html = ''; //if more than one location if(this.ln > 1) { html += '<div class="checkbox controls ' + this.o.controls_cssclass + '">'; //check "view all" link //use ShowOnMenu(index) to know if a location has to appear on menu if(this.ShowOnMenu(this.view_all_key)) { html += '<label><input type="radio" name="gmap" value="' + this.view_all_key + '"/>' + this.o.view_all_text + '</label>'; } //iterate the locations for (var a = 0; a < this.ln; a++) { if(this.ShowOnMenu(a)) html += '<label><input type="radio" name="gmap" value="' + (a+1) + '"/>' + (this.o.locations[a].title || ('#' + (a+1))) + '</label>'; } html += '</div>'; } this.html_element = $('<div class="wrap_controls"></div>').append(html); //event on change //use ViewOnMap(index) to trigger the marker on map this.html_element.find('input[type=radio]').bind('change', function() { self.ViewOnMap(this.value); }); return this.html_element; } };
//new Maplace object var maplace = new Maplace(); //add the new menu with the method AddControl(name, function) maplace.AddControl('checks', html_checks); //load the map maplace.Load({ controls_type: 'checks', locations: [{...}, {...}] });